Friday, July 31, 2015

T.Kelly Mason Solo Show At Cherry And Martin

T.Kelly Mason will be on view at Cherry And Martin in Culver City's Arts District until August 1, 2015.

Kaz Oshiro At Honor Fraser

Kaz Oshiro will be on view at Honor Fraser Gallery until August 27, 2015. Kenneth Noland is in the main gallery, my favorite name for an art movement is Color Field, even though it isn't my favorite art movement. Kaz's work is below.  

Barbara Strasen At George Billis

Barbara Strasen is in the group show Cityscape Show V at the George Billis Gallery in Culver City's Arts District. It's on view until August 22, 2015. I noticed a lot of holographic art in galleries this month, I've never noticed a lot, they also had some in Edward Cella Art & Architecture. The first four pictures in this post are the same art work. There are only two different pieces in this post, I just put multiple pictures from different angles. 

Constructions At Edward Cell Art & Architecture

 Constructions at Edward Cell Art & Architecture in Culver City's Arts District will be on view until August 29th. Brad Miller's 2cd Phase is pretty mesmerizing. The piece was created in 2015 and is made of rubber tubing and zip ties.