Sometimes I feel like there's this unwritten law that if I have a Bachelors from an art school and go to galleries regularly I'm suppose to appreciate really weird art which makes no sense or looks like it was done it five minutes. I seriously don't. Danh Vo work Alphabet L, sold at Sotheby's for $700,000. His other piece, a flattened Coca-Cola both embossed in gold leaf sold for $466,000.
I don't get it!
Danh Vo's Untitled 2011 work sold at Sotheby's for $466,00
In Artillery Magazine November-December issue he describes his work - "If they only look at my work as a commodity, then that is something I am not interested in...I don't think I can work like this. I don't think anything can come out of me because there is such a deep resistance. It goes against everything I believe as an artist."
I realize that after attending grad school and getting a masters in painting as an artist you know how to talk about your work in a professional manner and it shows you're ready for the art world, but What!? What is he talking about!? Should I point out the obvious? He's not making any sense.
Well, just like Artillery Mag says, Andy Warhol already let us know boxes areart. We don't need to be reminded, it's not like the concept blew our mind the first time.
Alphabet L, 2011 sold for $700,000 at Sotheby's
It's offensive to me. I went to an art school that was known to be conceptual, because before attending SAIC I was weak conceptually and
couldn't communicate visually. I spent a year trying to master the Velasquez
palette, then I see this. He's not even trying.
In all honesty I do like some of his work. His sculpture We The People
is pretty cool, I like what he's done given his personal background as
a Vietnamese refugee who had to flee his country, his family tried to
make it to America in a homemade boat, but was rescued by a Danish